Saturday, May 20, 2017

The Different Types of Light Bulbs

Light Bulb 101

blue light lit

There are different types of light bulbs, and each of them have their own advantages. (Photo Credits)

Any home, no matter how modern it is, will not survive without having a single light bulb in it. Illumination is a definite need, and it will be very difficult to function without it.

In its official website, The American Lighting Association has enumerated the different kinds of light bulbs available in the market today. It includes incandescent, fluorescent, LED, and High Intensity Discharge or HID Lights. Master Electrician

“Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) produce light when voltage is applied to negatively charged semiconductors, causing electrons to combine and create a unit of light (photon). In simpler terms, an LED is a chemical chip embedded in a plastic capsule. Because they are small, several LEDs are sometimes combined to produce a single light bulb. LED lighting in general is more efficient and longer lasting than any other type of light source, and it is being developed for more and more applications within the home. LEDs are currently popular in under-cabinet strips and some types of downlights.”

Read more about LED here in the continuation of this American Lighting Association article.

Other types of light bulbs

Home and Garden Television meantime differentiated the types of light bulbs in one article that it published. “Incandescent is the most commonly used light bulb and usually the least expensive. This type of light has a warm, inviting quality and is very complimentary to skin tones and psychologically appealing. Incandescent bulbs usually last between 700 to 1,000 hours and can be used with a dimmer; however, they’re not as energy efficient as other options.”

Read their whole article here.

Related Lighting and Electrical Repair and Installation Services:

House Logic for its part gave its avid readers information about the most efficient type of light bulb in the market today.

“According to the U.S. Department of Energy, by upgrading 15 traditional incandescents in your home with energy-saving bulbs, you can save about $50 per year on your energy bill. Plus, energy-efficient bulbs produce about 75% less heat, so you may see additional savings when it comes to home cooling. Life: The life of each bulb is estimated based on the usage described. Keep in mind that labels marked Energy Star meet strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Energy Star LEDs use about 25% of the energy and can last about 25 times longer than traditional incandescents. Energy Star CFLs use about 25% of the energy and last 10 times longer than a comparable traditional incandescent.” Check out their infographics here.

Knowing what type of light bulb to use definitely will help any homeowner save on energy costs, and at the same time make the most out of his or her choice of lighting.

What to do when a light bulb breaks


The post The Different Types of Light Bulbs appeared first on Lightning Electric.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

What to do when a light bulb breaks

Replacing a broken light bulb


How to safely replace a broken light bulb? Read on. (Photo Credits)

A broken light bulb can be very dangerous especially when there are children around. Apart from the risk of electric shocks, broken glass can definitely cause injuries.

The Natural Handyman says the first thing to do is to turn of the light switch that powers the broken light bulb. “First and foremost, make sure the electric power is off.  If you can’t determine which circuit the fixture is on, turn off ALL circuits. (2) Put down a tarp to catch any remaining broken glass from the old bulb. (3) Leather gloves are preferred if you have to touch the broken bulb base. (4) Wear eye protection, especially if you are working on an overhead fixture.  A hat might also help keep glass off your head!” Read the rest of the guidelines here.

Safety should always be a priority

The Family Handyman meantime says there might be cases when the light bulb will not budge and so, even more safety precautions should be observed. In fact it even shared a hack used by many electricians when it comes to resolving stubborn bulbs. American Lighting Association

“Often, you can unscrew the base by inserting a pliers and holding the jaws open as you turn. A potato might work too: Round the end of the potato with a knife, jam it into the socket and turn. If neither of those methods work, use a needle-nose pliers to remove the bulb. Firmly grab the bulb’s metal base and turn, but avoid damaging the light fixture’s metal screw-shell lamp holder.”

Check out the rest of the advice here.

Related Electrician Repair and Installation Services

The Spruce also gave advice on how to go about cleaning up broken shards. At the same time, for those who may not be able to remove the broken bulb into their respective light sockets, the website suggested the use of a Broken Bulb Extractor. Master Electrician 

“Broken bulb extractors are available for less than $10 at most hardware and home improvement stores. These tools have a rubber tip to engage the base of the broken bulb and a plastic body with a threaded socket on the back end that allows them to be screwed onto an extension pole – very handy for hard-to-reach bulbs. Use it as it comes out of the package. you push it firmly over the filament support and into the base, and use it to turn the base out of the socket.”

Read the rest of the article here.

Removing broken bulbs can be dangerous given the many risks it poses. Being armed with the correct information may help prevent injuries. If in doubt, get in touch with a trusted electrician.

Problems with Electrical Outlets

The post What to do when a light bulb breaks appeared first on Lightning Electric.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Areas Powered by Renewable Energy

All about Renewable Power

Green Power

Going green. (Photo Credits)

Relying on sustainable forms of energy is a goal of most cities to save on costs and at the same time to help reduce carbon foot print.

More and more cities and countries take pride in using renewable energy sources like solar, and wind turbines.

In Scotland, wind turbines powered its electricity needs for more than a day as reported by the website The Guardian. Electrical Association            

“High winds on Sunday were strong enough to power the equivalent of all of Scotland’s electricity needs for the day, according to environmentalists. The Met Office issued a yellow “be aware” weather warning covering much of the country as wind speeds reached 115mph on the top of the Cairngorms and gusts of more than 60mph hit towns in the north. The weather brought travel disruption, with some bridges closed, ferries cancelled and trains affected but helped boost the country’s renewable energy production.”

Read the continuation of the article here.

More than a hundred days

Costa Rica for its part took pride in relying on sustainable energy for more than 100 days. Electrician

“The small Central American nation has generated 100 percent of its electricity from renewable sources for the past 113 days, and the run isn’t over yet. The country, which draws clean energy from a variety of renewable sources, still has its sights on a full year without fossil fuels. With a 113-day stretch of 100-percent renewable energy under its belt and several months left in the year, Costa Rica is edging closer to its target. Costa Rica could be on track to match the record set with its renewable energy production last year, which accounted for 99 percent of the country’s electricity. That included 285 days powered completely by renewable sources, according to the Costa Rican Electricity Institute.”

Watch the slideshow here.

Related Electrical Repair and Solar Installation Services:

The City of Las Vegas though has everything powered by renewable sources of energy. The Huffington Post published an article on this development.

“The achievement marks the completion of the city’s nearly decade-long goal to fully transition to clean energy only ― a project that was expedited after the city partnered with public utility company NV Energy almost a year ago. While all government facilities are now only powered by renewable energy, many residential and commercial buildings are not. Officials were able to make the announcement after Boulder Solar 1, a massive solar array in the southeast corner of Nevada, went on line last week. Boulder Solar 1, combined with other local sources of green energy like geothermal energy plants and solar panels placed throughout the city, will now provide 100 percent of the city’s municipal power.”

Read the whole article here.

Renewable sources of energy is clean energy.

Heating the home using Solar Energy

The post Areas Powered by Renewable Energy appeared first on Lightning Electric.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Preventing a shortage of electricians

Solving a possible concern

Solving a possible problem. (Photo Credits)

Becoming an electrician or being an electrical contractor can be very in demand nowadays. The good thing about it is that industry players are doing what it can to prevent a full-blown shortage.

Southwire says it has teamed up with other industry players in training future batches of electricians.

“Southwire, among other forward-looking companies, is preparing young workers to fill that potential skills gap through training and apprenticeship programs. To build strong relationships with younger, less experienced electricians, we are collaborating with National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) and Independent Electrical Contractors (IEC) to train the next generation of electrical workers. Through the electrical training ALLIANCE, NECA and the IEC, we support Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee (JATC) and SkillsUSA—vocational training programs for apprentice electricians across the country. Companies often donate supplies for continuing education and training events they host with industry partners. For example, we provide supplies for “wire-offs”—events in which electricians compete to wire systems. We also donate employee hours to train contractors through product demonstrations, events that often count for their continuing education requirements.”

Read more here.

Scholarship Funds

Some electrician associations meantime fund scholarship programs to help avoid possible shortages and at the same time help fellow workers earn degrees.

The Business Journal Daily published a feature on this.

“Eligible applicants include journeymen electricians with IBEW Local 64 and employees of signatory electrical contractors in the Mahoning Valley. Students pursuing undergraduate degrees in electrical engineering, electrical engineering technology, civil and construction engineering technology, business management and other degrees that benefit the electrical industry are given preference.”

Check out the rest of the post here.

Related Electrical Repair and Installation Services

Construction Informer meantime gave electrical contractors an advice on how to not get affected by the seeming shortage of electricians.

“Similar to the point above, today’s employees are not hesitant to jump ship for a better opportunity. Online job databases let them see who’s offering what far more easily than in the past. Plus, many young trade workers assume (correctly or not) that the only way to advance is to move. For electrical contractors, that can mean laying out clear career paths within the company. Another approach is to offer employees plenty of opportunities for new training and certification. While you might be limited in terms of offering promotions, your employees will still appreciate your willingness to give them room for professional growth.”

Read the whole article here.

A shortage can indeed be avoided through pro-active means.

Avoid Electrical Problems when buying an older home

The post Preventing a shortage of electricians appeared first on Lightning Electric.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Avoid Electrical Problems when buying an older home

Electrical Systems of an older house

Joe Everhart & Ken Ramsay House

What to check when buying an older home, electrical-wise. (Photo Credits)

When purchasing a relatively older house, buyers are advised to be wary about the potential electrical concerns an older home may bring about. says electrical wirings and systems may be outdated so it should be among the first details any buyer should check and inquire about. Electrical Association

“You must also inspect the breaker panels in older homes for any deterioration or signs that arcing or burn marks exist. Unfortunately, many consumers who buy older homes are under the impression that breaker panels last a lifetime and there is no need to check them. This mindset can lead to dangerous electrical conditions and fire hazards threatening the safety of any home.”

Read the whole article here.

Fewer Outlets meantime cautioned buyers that older homes may have fewer outlets compared to modern ones. Electrician 

“Expect to find fewer outlets per room and fewer circuits—which means all your electronics could trip a fuse. And if you find single-strand aluminum wiring—common during the copper shortage of the late ’60s and early ’70s—be prepared to replace the system. Faulty connections overheat the wiring, creating (surprise!) a fire hazard.”

Check out the rest of the write-up here.

Related Electrical Repair and Installation Services for its part says an older home may be less energy-efficient versus a newer one, so buyers should consider that fact when deciding.

“Energy efficient windows are just one of the features that became standard after the first energy crises of 1970. Many very old houses that date before that era may not have added insulation, new windows and doors, energy efficient heating and cooling systems. If you’re considering an old house that needs upgrading to be energy efficient, most of the 30 percent tax credits for basic home repairs have expired. Today, only geothermal heat pumps, wind turbines, solar panels, photovoltaics, for generating electricity and similar equipment qualifies.”

See the continuation here.

Here is a video on what to watch out for when buying an older home electricity-wise.

Upcycling Used Copper Wires

The post Avoid Electrical Problems when buying an older home appeared first on Lightning Electric.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Upcycling Used Copper Wires

Products Made from Used Copper Wires

Copper Wire Project

Copper wires can be reused and recycled into different products. (Photo Credits)

Copper wires are materials that can be reused and upcycled. It is a very versatile craft item that helps boost creativity.

Art People for instance shared wonderful upcycled creations made up of copper wires. Electrician

“Celina Ortiz and her husband find discarded television sets and deconstruct them, removing their copper or aluminum wire in the process. With this valuable material in hand, they wrap the material around stone pendants in a tree-like design. The wire spans the width of the teardrop and oval forms, framing them with delicate branches that electrifyingly extend and wrap around the stone.”

Check out the copper wire projects here.

Copper can be beautiful

The website meantime featured the project of a lady caring for the elderly. The project involved crocheting super thin copper wires. Electrical Association

“Mondro spent a whole year researching the anatomy of the heart. She wanted her model to be as accurate as possible, especially since it single-handedly encompassed the meaning of her work. Mondro’s crocheted heart is highly fitting. It shows how art and creativity can help inspire the heart to beat. Beautiful, ain’t it?”

Take a look at it here.

Related Lighting and Electrical Repair and Installation Services:

The website Fossbytes meantime shared a way to make homemade speakers using used copper wires among other used materials.

“In this article, I won’t be presenting you some list of the world’s costliest speakers, or telling you about their amazing quality. Instead, I’ll be showing you how to make your own homemade speakers. While this particular version is made with the help of paper, the coils can be fused to a variety of membrane materials like vellum, paper, tissue paper, fabric etc.”

Watch the instructional video here.

Here is a video on differentiating used copper wires:

The Right Lights for the Garage

The post Upcycling Used Copper Wires appeared first on Lightning Electric.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Solar Energy Advancements

Harnessing Solar Power

Solar Panels

Relying on Solar Energy. (Photo Credits)

More and more commercial and residential property owners are considering solar energy for their homes. Apart from the efficiency and energy independence factors, its environmental-friendliness make homeowners dream of going solar someday.

The solar industry after all has a lot to brag about. Electrical Association for instance shared about a solar panel that doubles as glass shingles.

“There have been solar shingles before, but what makes Tesla’s different is they’re incredibly pretty. Compared to those big, bulky, blue ping-pong tables we probably normally think of, these are downright artistic. Musk hopes by making the panels visually attractive, they’ll entice more homeowners to add them to their roofs. They showed off four different types of tiles: terra cotta, slate, textured glass, and smooth glass. They work like thousands of little solar panels all hooked together.”

Check out the photos here.

Surpassing barriers

The Media Agency The Independent shared that in the United Kingdom, Solar Energy is becoming more and more prevalent. Electrician     

“James Court, head of policy at the Renewable Energy Association, said: ‘Solar overtaking coal this summer would have been largely unthinkable five years ago. This new data shows its popularity amongst homeowners and businesses and its falling costs. Now that we have a significant global and domestic industry, solar is one of the cheapest forms of power. Government policy stability is critical, however. Solar PV deployment in August 2016 was one third of what it was in August 2015 due to the sudden and severe changes to policy in the past year.’”

Read the whole article here.

Related Electrical Repair and Installation Services

Despite the advances in harnessing solar energy and getting it mainstream, there still are sectors that are apprehensive about this technology.

Huffington Post reported about the rejection of a Solar Farm that is seen as potentially carcinogenic by residents in the community.

“A town council in North Carolina rejected plans to rezone land for a solar farm after residents voiced fears it would cause cancer, stop plants from growing and suck up all the energy from the sun. Two citizens reportedly made the allegations at a Woodland Town Council meeting in Northampton County, northeastern North Carolina, on Wednesday.”

Read the rest of the report here.

Electricians can help in installing solar panels for property owners interested in harnessing solar power for their homes.

Ensuring Children’s Safety Around Electricity

The post Solar Energy Advancements appeared first on Lightning Electric.